TikFlow RPA
let robots do the work
  • What you can do
  • How do we do it
  • Tasks and sharing
  • Full Features

What you can do

Desktop or web app, automated by TikFlow

TikFlow automates any desktop apps or web app you use. Clicks, inputs, drags and drops, even APIs and scripts. you name it, we automate it.

Android phone, automated by TikFlow

TikFlow automates Android devices. Inputs, taps, swipes, data extractions, even multiple-device automation, nailed it.

Any repetitive task, automated by TikFlow

Anything can be described with logic can be automated with TikFlow. Move mouse, control keyboard, run apps or commands. TikFlow works like a robot, so you don’t have to.

It’s awesome to be able to just drag and drop a few lines of code and get a full-automated work flow with very little effort.


We’ve been able to spin up repetitive tasks very easily with TikFlow.


A savior for all your automated needs.

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